Asante International Christian School



University Recognition Of The ICCE Qualification

Students from Asifiwe International Academy and from schools around Uganda with an ICCE   Advanced Certificate have been accepted at many prestigious Universities including Oxford,Lancaster,Loughborough,Durham, York,and Edinburgh.The ICCE is a proven and successful qualification which allows Christians to remain true to their faith whilst allowing for the opportunity of a first class education.

The ICCE is a similar standard to GCSE through to A level and is recognised by many employers, colleges and universities in the UK and elsewhere.

For more information about the ICCE follow this link to the ICCE Global Website.


The ICCE works on a similar basis to a baccalaureate awarding students a single qualification based on their overall performance.

There are six levels of the ICCE that are available to all our students to work towards, allowing for their varying abilities. Upon completion of the appropriate coursework each student will receive a certificate showing the overall grade, which is supplemented by a breakdown of the grades achieved in individual subjects.

  • Basic Certificate – designed for students with special educational needs (it provides a Record of Achievement similar to those issued by many state schools)
  • Foundation Certificate
  • General Certificate – comparable to GCSE level
  • Intermediate Certificate
  • Advanced Certificate – comparable to ‘A’ level
  • Advanced Plus


The General Certificate requires a similar level of work needed to obtain GCSEs. It covers English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Biblical Studies, and a number of options chosen by the student which would normally include Information Technology.


The Intermediate Certificate is at a similar standard to AS Level. Again, it includes courses in English, Mathematics and Science, building on the knowledge already acquired. There are additional courses in the Humanities including Biblical Studies.


Many students completing this certificate go on to study at degree level. The programme content is determined by the student’s intended degree course or future career aspirations.

UK NARIC – the UK’s National Agency responsible for providing opinion on standards of academic and professional qualifications – The ICCE has in the past been benchmarked by UK NARIC (2011) and found to be comparable with Cambridge International O and A Levels.  Currently, the General Level Maths and English are stated as being acceptable substitutes for GCSEs on the funding website.  Students completing ICCE certificates are advised to research the requirements for their chosen tertiary studies and consider whether LCA dual-enrolment or a College Board SAT would be helpfuls